Show and Tell is a very important time in the school day. It may well be your child’s first opportunity for “public speaking.” Please assist your child in selecting something to share. The most important thing, however, is for the child to be comfortable with his/her decision (even if the same decision was made last month, too). We would appreciate a limit to ONE item per child per time to share. That’s about all time and attention spans will allow.
*Note: A Child’s First Steps Preschool teachers can and will handle - bugs, snakes, and other creepy crawlies so don’t hesitate to share.
Show and Tell Schedule:
Girls: First class day of each week: (Monday) 2’s or (Tuesday) 3’s or (Wednesday) 4’s
Boys: Second class day of each week: (Thursday) 3’s or (Thursday) 4’s
To further strengthen the link between home and school, each month, you will receive both a Snack and 'At a Glance' calendar via email.
The Snack Calendar will advise you as to when it's your child's snack day. The 'At a Glance' calendar will notify you of important information for the month, upcoming events, and possible field trip opportunities.
During pick-up each day, your child's teacher will also provide a summary of what they did in class that day.
Birthday snack is very important to your child and to our preschool. Please allow your child to bring their favorite snack food (yes cupcakes are just fine).
Your child will be able to design his/her very own Birthday crown, and this is always a very exciting time for your child. We sing “Happy Birthday” during snack time and as usual, parents are welcome in at any time for this very special celebration.